This game requires Windows version 3.1 and can be installed from Windows or by manually copying the files to your system. If you are a shareware vendor and would like to add this game to your network, you might want to just zip the required files up to a single zip file and distribute just that one zip file. This game is made up of the following files: SPEXP1.EXE SPEXP1.HLP JMGAMES.DLL This game also requires four Borland DLLs (OWL31.DLL, BC30RTL.DLL, TCLASS31.DLL, and BWCC.DLL). You may already have these DLLs if you have any Borland software or any software developed with a Borland product. If so, you do not need to load these DLLs again. INSTALLING - FROM WINDOWS To install this game from Windows just run the setup.exe application on the root directory of the diskette from the File | Run menu of the Windows Program Manager. The setup application will create a program group and icon on your program manager. INSTALLING - MANUALLY To install the game manually just copy the game files (SPEXP1.EXE, SPEXP1.HLP, and JMGAMES.DLL) to a directory on your computer's hard drive. Make sure the directory is either in the path or set as the working directory in the "Program Item Properties" dialog box of the Program Manager when you add the icon. As mentioned above, this game requires four Borland DLLs (OWL31.DLL, BC30RTL.DLL, TCLASS31.DLL, and BWCC.DLL). These DLLs may be placed in the same directory as the game or any directory in the path.